关于给予Amuri Alunga Josue同学处分的决定
因Amuri Alunga Josue,男,刚果(金)国籍,护照号OB0415189,学号2015901109, bet87365线路检测2015级水利工程专业留学生,于2018年4月15日凌晨酒后殴打均瑶酒店值班人员,该值班人员未伤。
根据按照《三峡大学外国留学生违纪处分实施办法》(修订)第十二条规定,三峡大学bet87365线路检测决定给予Amuri Alunga Josue一级警告处分且上报学校国际合作与交流处,并将处罚情况将向全体留学生予以通报。
Decision on Punishment to Amuri Alunga Josue
College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
China Three Gorges University
Amuri Alunga Josue, male, is a student of hydraulic engineering in
and Environmental Engineering of Grade 2015. Nationality: Congo; Passport Number: OB0415189; Student Number: 2015901109. Because of beating up an operator on duty in Junyao Hotel after drinking in the early morning of April 15, 2018, which didn’t make the operator injured, according to Article 11 in Implementation Measures for Punishment on International Students Violating Disciplines of CTGU (Revised), the College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering issued a punishment decision of Serious Warning to Amuri Alunga Josue, and reported to Department of International Relations of CTGU. This event is also informed to all the international students.
College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
April 16th, 2018